Nata nel 1997, San Lidano è un’Organizzazione di Produttori riconosciuta dalla UE, rappresentata dal suo Presidente Luciano di Pastina. Grazie ai suoi oltre 60 Soci, SanLidano coltiva direttamente le proprie materie prime su circa 1000 ettari di superficie, di cui oltre 200 coperti da moderne serre. Grazie al controllo diretto della produzione, San Lidano è in grado di garantire l’approvvigionamento con una filiera corta e controllata di un vasto assortimento frutto dell’unicità del territorio pontino: dalle verdure, di I gamma e di IV gamma, alle 20.000 tonnellate di angurie, tradizionali e senza semi.
Founded on 1997 in the heart of “Agro Pontino” (the fruitful lowland Southern of Rome saved from the waters by centuries of land reclamation), San Lidano is today a Producers Organization with more than 60 member Farmers widespread in the best Italian areas, from North to the South, who grow raw vegetables on about 1000 hectares, 200 of which inside modern greenhouses, ensuring the supplying all over the year.
San Lidano shows up to its customers as a production partner, with its own brand “OrtoPronto” or as ideal co-packer of private labels for Retailers, its speciality.
Thanks to its direct control of the supply chain, San Lidano produces a nonpareil assortment, which allows to offer to its customers quality fresh&cut salads at the best price, together with a wide choice of fresh local vegetables, raw or processed, so as over 30,000 tons of traditional and seedless watermelons, making San Lidano a national leader.
San Lidano Group, specialized in marketing and sales, ensures the completion of the range and organizes the logistics, with the highest level of service, from customer care to the widespread distribution throughout the Country.
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